
March 6, 2025 Vol 19

13 More Utterly Thrilling, GAY Songs

13 More Utterly Thrilling, GAY Songs features songs by Boots, Cole Redding, Evangeline Gentle, G Flip, Klovis Gaynor, and _SANTI_. 

Prepare yourself for an intense G-A-Y experience! Let those rainbows 🌈 fly as 13 More Utterly Thrilling, GAY Songs, the sequel to 15 Utterly Thrilling, GAY Songs (2021), arrives! Most of the songs included in 13 More Utterly Thrilling, GAY Songs feature the word ‘gay’ in their titles, DUH!  There are a couple of exceptions, however.  Question: How can you have a gay playlist, and the word gay is not featured in the titles, you ask? Well, these exceptional ‘exception’ songs – “BUKAKKE” and “SNIFFIES IN THE SUMMER” – are gay to the nth degree, meaning their content covers happenings well versed in the gay community. 13 More Utterly Thrilling, GAY Songs features g-g-gay songs by Boots, Cole Redding, Evangeline Gentle, G Flip, Klovis Gaynor, and _SANTI_. So, join us for the utterly, thrilling gay experience that is 13 More Utterly Thrilling, GAY Songs! No homophobes allowed!

~ Table of Contents ~

1. Cole Redding, “Gay Americana” 2. Boots, “Gay Guys Drink Vodka Sodas, But Girls Do Poppers” 3. _SANTI_ & Samjgarfield, “BUKAKKE” 4. SAN CHA, “Gay”
5. G Flip, “GAY 4 ME” (Ft. Lauren Sanderson) 6. NVDES, “I Want to Make Out at the Gay Club” 7. Maurice Conrad, “Männersex” 8. Stemin, “Gay, Gay, Holiday”
9. Evangeline Gentle, “Gay Bar” / “Gay Bar (Daniel Adams Remix)” 10. RYANN, “Gay Struggles” 11. Chris Pierce, “GAY” 12. Benjamin, “GAY”
13. Klovis Gaynor, “SNIFFIES IN THE SUMMER”      


1. Cole Redding, “Gay Americana”

“Gay Americana” // Cole Redding // 2024

Cole Redding, Gay Americana [📷: Cole Redding]“Shy boy with too many secrets / I know what it’s like to be him.” In an Instagram post, Cole Redding describes “Gay Americana” as the song he wished he had growing up gay. In an earlier IG post, promoting the song, he captions the cover art as “MY WHOLE HEART. The scared, shy, self-hating 13-year-old me is real proud.” The handsome, talented pop musician released an authentic and moving anthem. He penned “Gay Americana” with Stephan Santa Teresa and Rachel Kennedy. “Gay Americana” thrives for many reasons with songwriting and inclusivity topping the list.  Redding advises this gay young man, “Promise it won’t make the world end / If you say you don’t want a girlfriend.”  This is one example of the freedom exhibited by the songwriting.  Don’t box yourself into the heteronormative world – be who you want to be and live true. In “Gay Americana,” “You can be anything you wanna.” Redding offers up so many meaningful, inclusive thoughts including:

“Put the stars and stripes

On a rainbow flag 🏳️‍🌈

And we’ll fight for love

Cause it’s all we have

We were born this way

And they can’t change that

No, we won’t go back.”

Beyond the songwriting and theme, the musicianship is turned up. Redding sings beautifully and easily on this uplifting pop joint.  He’s authentic, selling the text superbly. The melodies are tuneful, particularly when he celebrates gay Americana in all its liberating glory. The instrumental is fire, incorporating the sheen of modern pop with some classic music cues.  “Gay Americana” is a great addition to any Pride 🏳️‍🌈 list. It’s also an inclusive pop song that everybody needs to hear.

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2. Boots, “Gay Guys Drink Vodka Sodas, But Girls Do Poppers”

Boots Bitch (EP) // Boots Bitch // 2024

Boots, Boots Bitch (EP) [📷: Boots Bitch]“Boots Bitch!” Indeed. Boots is Abhijeet (she/they, self-described ‘7ft tall Bollywood Barbie’) and Kirk. “Gay Guys Drink Vodka Sodas, But Girls Do Poppers” is the second track from the duo’s 2024 EP, fittingly titled Boots Bitch. The titular lyrics are crucial.  They are repeated many, many times.  “Gay guys drink vodka sodas,” Abhijeet sings thrice, adding, “Girls, girls, do poppers.”  Vodka soda is entrenched in gay culture. Poppers as well. While Abhijeet claims girls do poppers, I question the context.  Gay men are famous/infamous for using them… Anyways, beyond vodka sodas and poppers, variation arrives. Different alcoholic drinks are referenced, including Belvedere, Grey Goose, and Cîroc. Abhijeet sings from the perspective of a gay guy and answers as a girl:

“Do you want a shot?

Do you want a sip?

Vodka sodas are for gay guys

So, I’ll just take a hit.”

Ooh-wee! Before the final choruses, she memorably asks, “Can you believe he offered me shots? / What do I look like? A man?” Backed by sickening musical accompaniment filled with colorful synths and an infectious danceable beat (get it Kirk), “Gay Guys Drink Vodka Sodas, But Girls Do Poppers” is an entertaining dance bop well beyond its 2024 release. Gays and girls can bump to this one!

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3. _SANTI_ & Samjgarfield, “BUKAKKE”

DADDY (EP) // SANTI // 2024  

_SANTI_ DADDY (EP) [📷: SANTI]“1, 2, 3, 4, 5 / Let’s make a group shoot / Do you got milk? /… To make my milkshake.” Oh, boy… or should I say, oh boys 😈! The fierce and handsome_SANTI_, collaborating with music producer, songwriter, and the very-easy-on-the-eyes Samjgarfield (SJG), doesn’t waste any time getting to what he desires in “BUKAKKE”, the NSFW third track from his late 2024 EP, DADDY.  Just in case you didn’t catch what was implied lyrically, bukkake is a sexual practice in which several men ejaculate on the face of an individual. The group, shoot, and milk make sense within the context of the lyrics now, right? Oh, and as for the milkshake, we already know “it brings all the boys to the yard”. Anyways, if you do happen to Google search bukkake, some search results will yield p0rn – fair warning!

Sex-positivity is full throttle from our fearless and handsome pop artist. His attitude is through the roof, and we wouldn’t have it any other way. “Milkman got me waiting for a milky treat / I be the Dairy Queen / Blizzard,” he sings, lustily, adding, “Put it all on me.” Embracing his role of “Pumping daddies,” he encourages the men, “Come and dump you come and you go.” Come and dump are the keywords… then again, the ‘go’ should be noted too. _SANTI_ doesn’t stop there.  Besides being “Vers like Hannah Montana,” and “Cockiana barbiana,” we get a killer verse in Spanish, signaled by a production switch.  And by killer, there is a Jeffrey Dahmer reference: “Más freaky que Jeffrey Dahmer / Te la Saco como una prepago / Santi sabe que yo te lo hago” – “Freakier than Jeffrey Dahmer / I’ll take it from you like a hooker / Santi knows that I do it to you.” Holy fucking shit! Backed by badass music accompaniment (get it, SJG), _SANTI_ ‘does the damn thing’ on the risqué, utterly satisfying “BUKAKKE”.

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4. San Cha, “Gay”

“Gay” // San Cha // 2024

San Cha, Gay [📷: San Cha]“You’re not / Gay / You wish you were / Gay, gay, gay, gay, gay.”  According to queer musician San Cha (Lizette Anabelle Gutierrez), you’re not gay but you wish you were… something like that.  The brief but exhilarating two-minute “Gay” was penned and produced by Gutierrez, Tyler Joseph Holmes, and Jeppe Breum.

From the beginning, San Cha delivers aggressive vocals.  Often, she highlights the ‘gay’ titular lyric.  Her performance is spoken work – talk-singing. There are other intriguing lyrics, however.  “You can take my name / You can take my place / You can get the fuck / Out of my face.” Ooh-wee, child! She adds, “You killed me / I died / I came back / To life.” Oh, wow! Also, another word gets repeated a shit-ton: bitch. San Cha is backed by marvelous production. The beat and synths are infectious.  Set in a minor key, the ‘dark’ tilt is perfect fuel for the fire of “Gay.” Ultimately, “Gay” by San Cha is not only pretty gay but also pretty damn great.  Bop!

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5. G Flip, “GAY 4 ME” (Ft. Lauren Sanderson)

“GAY 4 ME” // Future Classic // 2022

G Flip, GAY 4 ME (Ft. Lauren Sanderson)[📷: Future Classic]“And now that I’ve left out the gate / She’s telling me our sex was so great.” Oh, snap! Melbourne-based musician G Flip (Georgia Flipo) tapped American singer/songwriter Lauren Sanderson for the same-sex loving single, “GAY 4 ME”. Flip, Sanderson, and Pink Slip penned “GAY 4 ME.” Flip and Kyle Buckley produced it. The rocking pop musical backdrop rocks 🤘! So do the vocals by Flip and Sanderson 🤘!

G Flip draws first blood, owning the lyric excerpted above from the first verse.  She continues, sexually, “And I know that she masturbates / To the memories we made / And thinks of me ‘cause she knows, oh…” Ooh-wee! There is no need to hide her feelings. But, of course, there’s potential internalized homophobia, revealed in the centerpiece, the chorus, performed by both artists:


She said she’s only gay for me

And I don’t know what to believe

Yeah, she said she’s only gay for me.”

Hmm, selective same-sex attraction? Apparently.  Sanderson arrives in the second verse, bringing similar vibes to Flipo in the first.  “She’s coming up kissing on me / I know your momma wouldn’t agree,” she sings, continuing, “You said I make you feel so complete / But you’re in between / From what you are and what you’ve been.” G Flip and Lauren Sanderson ‘bring the heat’ on “GAY 4 ME”. They paint a familiar scenario seen in many queer songs.  One person has accepted themselves and freed themselves of hang-ups regarding sexuality.  The other is fearful to take the plunge or tries to justify reasons why they aren’t ‘gay.’ This is an entertaining song, but also sad because the closet can be a depressing place. 

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6. NVDES, “I Want to Make Out at the Gay Club”

Life with Lobsters (EP) // B3SCI // 2016

NVDES, Life With Lobsters (EP) [📷: B3SCI]“Who’s your friend?” That is the question.  It is also one of the repeated lyrics from the colorfully and gayly titled, “I Want to Make Out at the Gay Club”.  That is a statement – one filled with, rather, beaming with Pride! “I Want to Make Out at the Gay Club” comes from the hands of NVDES (Josh Ocean Laviolette). Of his music, Ocean asserts, “NO GENRE ⚡️ JUST ENERGY™️ I follow my creativity wherever it takes me…” Right on.  NVDES produced this horny little joint.  Besides Laviolette, Madi Diaz, Lavid, Oliver Tree, and Sean Van Vleet penned it.

One of the best features of “I Want to Make Out in a Gay Club” is the infectious, looped riff.  The record is built around this. It easily gets stuck in your head.  The vocals are multifaceted.  Sometimes, the vocals are performed more subtly, yet playful and sensual.  As the song progresses, more overt vocals join the more restrain vocals, offering contrast and upping the intensity.  It should come as no surprise that the lyric most often repeated is the horniest: “I want to make out at the gay club.” Spare on lyrics, other repeated gems include “Right here” and the least seldom heard, “Nothing but dancing and love” which caps things off.  Beyond the singing, which is treated more like an instrument, there are complements are ample colorful synths, tastefully layered sounds and effects, and a marvelous anchoring groove.  NVDES gives us a heaping dose of fun on “I Want to Make Out at the Gay Club”.  It is the perfect catalyst to hit the dance floor… and make out at the gay club, of course 🏳️‍🌈 😘!

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7. Maurice Conrad, “Männersex”

“Männersex” // Creactive Media // 2023

Maurice Conrad, Männersex [📷: Creactive Media]“Du findest deutschen rap cool?” Yes, Maurice Conrad (dey/they), I think German rap is cool. Conrad is confident in their 2023 rap song, “Männersex”, which is rapped exclusively in German.  So, what is this German rap song about? Conrad continues spitting in the chorus, “Ihr redet über Männlichkeit / Und dass ihr echte Männer seid / Ich rede über Sex mit Männern / Weil ich finde Männer geil.” Okay, okay… what does that mean, in English? “You talk about masculinity / And that you’re real men / I talk about sex with men / Because I think men are hot.” This is a German gay rap song about men having sex with men! You don’t hear that every day! Notably, a Grindr profile is a requirement for Maurice to talk to other rappers (“Denn ich rede nicht mit MCs ohne Grindr-Profil”). Abturzmusik X Viktor, Climate Justus, and Creactive Media produced this enjoyable and naughty, same-sex-loving rap track 🌈.

The backdrop goes hard like any other rap song. Maurice Conrad has a banging instrumental to share their desires with.  Also, they’re bold and unapologetic.  They don’t care what other rappers rap about, or what other people think. They enjoy doing it with men.  There is no shortage of memorable lyrics, some of which aren’t too difficult to hear in English while reading the translation.  Like many heterosexual rappers, Conrad has two beside them – only they’re boys instead of girls. Memorably, Conrad spits, “Darf jeder einmal ran, guck dir an, wie ich sie reite / Ich mach’ alles mit links, fühl’ mich wie Schraubenzieher (“Everyone can have a go, look at how I ride them / I do everything with my left hand, I feel like a screwdriver”). Seeking to eradicate embarrassing homophobia in German rap (beginning with the Grindr profile requirement), Conrad colorfully raps in the second verse, roughly translated:

“Because I’m not talking to MCs without a Grindr profile

German rap is mostly some kind of overhype

Embarrassing homophobic lines

No, I’m not sorry

While they’re fronting me and screaming (oh, oh)

A twink takes me from behind and I’m coming

I’m pushing for the stars, bringing gay rap to the charts

Do I like sucking cock? Indeed, I do!

All my friends are queer and interesting

A boy by my side and two dicks in my hand.”

Holy shit! Interestingly, a different translation from German to English makes the ‘twink’ lyric more graphic: “I’m getting it in the ass from a twink, and that shit makes me cum.” Maurice Conrad brings fearless queerness to “Männersex” (“Male Sex”) which is verdammt geil!

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8. Stemin, “Gay, Gay, Holiday”

Gay, Gay, Holiday” // Stemin Music // 2024 

Stemin, Gay, Gay, Holiday [📷: Stemin Music]“It’s a gay, gay holiday / Santa, come inside, I can’t wait.” Do you mean come, or cum, Stemin 🍆🍑? Okay, okay, I’m being naughty, but it also seems like our queer, Amsterdam-based R&B artist is being naughty too! On his gay, gay Christmas song, “Gay, Gay, Holiday”, our handsome 🥵, talented artist is accompanied by a sleek, contemporary R&B backdrop.  His vocals ‘sleigh’… I mean, they ‘slay,’ and the lyrics are – wait for it – gay, gay, gay 😝! Does Stemin get too steamy for a Christmas song? Hell no! Stemin uses the gift of innuendo masterfully:

“What a dream, it’s such a sight

You and me together we would fit so right

Slide on down my chimney

Helly, jolly man come light my tree.”

Hmm, well, that chimney sounds, um, different 😜! Also, “ho, ho, ho” is more like “hoe, hoe, hoe” in Stemin’s song.  There’s more gayness that makes this “Gay, Gay, Holiday” far more appealing than a straight one! “It’s a gay, gay, holiday / Gimme loads of toys / From your long sleigh,” he sings, adding that “Naughty boys can be so nice.” When it comes to the bedroom, that’s a resounding hell yes! Honestly, he has far too much fun, whether it’s kissing Santa under the mistletoe or playing “Outside with white snowballs” (emphasis on balls). Stemin takes us on a “Gay, Gay, Holiday” we’ll never forget! 

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​​9. Evangeline Gentle, “Gay Bar” / “Gay Bar (Daniel Adams Remix)”

“Gay Bar (Daniel Adams Remix)” // Evangeline Gentle // 2024

Evangeline Gentle, Where The Diamonds Are [📷: Evangeline Gentle]“Oh, there’s no better party / Just throw some glitter on it honey / And take me dancing, dancing at the gay bar.” Woo! Scottish Canadian folk-pop singer/songwriter Evangeline Gentle has a fun night planned.  She asserts, “I wanna lose my voice screaming every anthem / It’s time I let go, let loose, have fun.” Word! This fun takes place at the gay bar, hence the title of her single, “Gay Bar”. “Gay Bar” appeared on her 2023 album, Where The Diamonds Are. Gentle penned “Gay Bar” while Jim Bryson produced it. Have I mentioned that fun is the modus operandi?!

Daniel Adams & Evangeline Gentle, Gay Bar (Daniel Adams Remix) [📷: Evangeline Gentle]In 2024, Daniel Adams produced the remix titled “Gay Bar (Daniel Adams Remix)”.  The synths are assertive, bright, and warm, amplifying the original song. The remix is even more danceable, fitting the vibe of the gay bar Evangeline is visiting. “Radiant queens adorned in jewels / Platform heels, Chanel perfume,” she sings, adding, “Help me forget / About this troubled world tonight / And take me dancing at the gay bar.” No deep analysis is necessary: A gay bar is an F-U-N place to be! The perfect way to de-stress. Carefree, Gentle knows where to go to have a good time!

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10. RYANN, “Gay Struggles”

Gay Struggles” // RYANN // 2024

RYANN, Gay Struggles [📷: RYANN]“I want to live in a town filled with Troye and Olivia fans / ‘Cause I’m afraid to hold my boyfriend’s hand when I go on the streets.”  Fear is a terrible thing.  Unfortunately, it is part of the struggles that Dutch queer pop singer/songwriter RYANN (Ryan Adriaens) sings about in “Gay Struggles”.  He adds that he doesn’t want to get too close to male friends because they may think he has a crush on them.  The internalized homophobia is pronounced, making “Gay Struggles” a heavy but relatable listen. Adriaens has settled for less when he shouldn’t have to.  He’s grateful to love a boy, but he still feels trapped as a gay male.

“These struggles shouldn’t exist

All my life I was trained to kill the person that I was born to be

I don’t allow myself to have some fun ‘cause I don’t even know what I, what I truly want.”

Sad, but true for many LGBTQ+ individuals.  Being able to love the same sex is a win, but, the perks that heterosexual couples have aren’t always afforded to queer couples. Straight men can move differently than gay men. Beyond the chorus, which RYANN sings exquisitely, he offers more struggles.  The fear of wearing an earring.  Worrying what others, including friends, think.  He wants to live out and proud, but it’s hard not to worry “about what other people think… when all I see are couples on the news getting punished for who they really are.”  It should be fine to kiss his boyfriend in the street but, “I feel like I’m not allowed.” “Gay Struggles” is a beautiful, moving pop ballad by RYANN.  This is a song not only for the LGBTQ+ community but for everyone.  No one should be persecuted or treated badly just because of who they love or living true to themselves.  This youngster from The Netherlands with an incredible voice outdid himself on this song.  Bravo!

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11. Chris Pierce, “GAY”

“GAY” // Chris Pierce // 2024

Chris Pierce, “GAY” [📷: Chris Pierce]“I don’t know, I think it was like / A God Given Gift / To be gay / All your haters can kiss my ass.” Haters be damned! No homophobes allowed! Pop singer/songwriter Chris Pierce is thankful for being gay. He embraces it! And why shouldn’t he? On “Gay” he sings about being the gay experience.  In the first verse, matters of heart affect a confident Chris who asserts, “If this was a fantasy / I’d have a couple knights sweeping me up.” Word. By the way, where are those knights? Send them my way 🤭! Ultimately, he’s “Gay and young / Feeling sexy.” Continuing to exude confidence, Pierce memorably states, “He feeling me, he feeling on me / He can tell I ain’t spilling no tea / Word up to the G-O-D, I want a real man not a D-O-G.” Clever, fun, and GAYYY! Pierce sings and raps fabulously, exhibiting ample personality.  The musical backdrop is sensational, thriving off a danceable groove and colorful keys and synths.  Being “Gay” never sounded so good!

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12. Benjamin, “GAY”

“GAY” // Warner Music Finland // 2022 

Benjamin, GAY [📷: Warner Music Finland]“Bye-bye kivikauden vanhat säännöt rakkauden / Make love great again.” Agreed, Benjamin (Benjamin Peltonen)… at least, the lyrics I can comprehend.  Fully translated in English, the first verse of the Finnish pop song, “GAY”, plays out something like this: “Bye-bye to the old rules of love from the Stone Age / Make love great again.” “GAY” finds Benjamin embracing love, haters, and homophobes be damned. “Welcome to this new scary world / If someone’s love makes you mad, too bad,” he sings (in Finnish), continuing, “I won’t stay in a prison for no reason anymore / In the closet, waiting for an entrance to Narnia.” Word.  Backed by superb, sleek, dance-pop/euro-pop production, set in a minor key, Benjamin has ample fuel for his fire. Peltonen, Atso Soivio, Iivari Suosalo, Joonas Kristian Keronen, and Maija Johanna Vilkkumaa penned “GAY” in all its glory.

Benjamin serves up bright, easygoing, and hella smooth vocals. He possesses a beautiful instrument.  The melodies shine throughout, even when the verses feature their share of repeated notes and simpler intervals.  The theme and lyrics ‘take the cake.’ Notably, Benjamin references a controversial, conservative Christian Democratic Finnish politician, Päivi Räsänen. Räsänen is anti-LGBTQ and has been tried for hate speech against homosexuals. During the tuneful chorus, Benjamin asserts:

“And the eyes of Päivi are already hazy

They say the world is a pitfall of dangers

This sick world took your child

I am saying my last word, and that is gay!”

One of the most ear-catching moments of “GAY” is the rare key modulation at the end.  It adds to the character, intensity, and sheer power of the song.  Benjamin Peltonen puts his foot into this irresistible, meaningful bop.  I’ll leave you with this: “Kun avaat kaapin ovet, niin mä lupaan sulle sen, / Ettet enää koskaan ulkopuoliseksi jää (When you open the doors of the closet, I’ll promise you, / You won’t feel like an outsider anymore).” Word!

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13. Klovis Gaynor, “SNIFFIES IN THE SUMMER”

“SNIFFIES IN THE SUMMER” // xpop // 2024 

Klovis Gaynor, SNIFFIES IN THE SUMMER [📷: xpop]“Hot sun, hot guys / On the map, online.”  Sex positivity is all the rage, particularly in the queer community. Bold singer/songwriter Klovis Gaynor ‘keeps it a buck’ about his love for Sniffies on his ‘summer’ song (also good in every other season 😉), “SNIFFIES IN THE SUMMER”. Sniffies is described as a map-based cruising app for the curious. Gaynor says it best himself: “Something special about Sniffies in the summer / Something special about all of my anonymous lovers.” Anonymity is a key component; the app is known for shirtless torsos, NSFW pics, and faceless pics. Gaynor’s sub-two-minute number sufficiently sums up app experiences… or so I’m told 😈. “Something special about our collective care…and pleasure,” Gaynor sings of the Sniffies experience. While curious is used in the app description, it’s no secret that this app is geared toward gay, bisexual, and ‘bi-curious’ men. Klovis paints these sexual encounters as being therapeutic. He adds, “Something special about Sniffies in the summer / Something special about a map of local dick and hole pics.”  He’s brutally honest, isn’t he? Ah, the openness of sex positivity.  Besides the bold, colorful lyrics, the musical accompaniment is also colorful – picturesque.  The backdrop features dizzying synths and hard-hitting drums (programming).  Vocally, Klovis is passionate, showing his most passionate side at the end.  That Sniffies experience ‘hits something different!’.  “SNIFFIES IN THE SUMMER” – what a trip! Better yet, what a cruise 😈!

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13 More Utterly Thrilling, GAY Songs (2025) [📷: Brent Faulkner / The Musical Hype; Boots Bitch, B3SCI, Chris Pierce, Cole Redding, Creactive Media, Evangeline Gentle, Future Classic, RYANN, San Cha, SANTI, Stemin Music; Warner Music Finland, xpop; Jimmy Elizarraras, Ketut Subiyanto, Los Muertos Crew, Mikhail Nilov, Polina Tankilevitch, RDNE Stock project, Yan Krukau from Pexels; AcatXlo, CatsWithGlasses, ernestflowerss, Julien Tromeur, Kelly, Welcome to All ! ツ, from Pixabay]


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